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Recent WN8
Recent WR
Commander: Manfred_error
Created by: comic_unicorn (10.4.2022 10:02:24)
Members: 90
Clan activity
Ø Battles played recently
Recent battles
Ø Battles Description
Jesteśmy klanem który stara się aby gracze w nim przebywający czuli się dobrze i byli zadowoleni z obecności u nas.Szanujemy sobie spokój i szacunek do drugiego gracza.Naszym komunikatorem jest Discord który jest obowiązkowy podczas bitew klanowych.Rezerwy klanowe są uruchamiane najczęściej w godzinach popołudniowych.Gracz przystępujący w nasze szeregi jest zobowiązany do udziału w bitwach klanowych w czasie gdy są tworzone.W naszej grupie ranga REZERWISTA nie jest brana pod uwagę(poprostu usuwamy z klanu).Nie naciskamy na graczy jak również ich nie prześladujemy tak jak to jest w wielu klanach.Jeśli odpowiadają Ci takie zasady to zapraszamy.😉
Clan battles
Clan-active players stats:Active players WN8: | 1588 |
Active players rWN8: | 1712 |
# | Nick | rWN8 | rBattles | WN8 | WR | WN8X | Battles | rSH | SH | XP | Role | Entry |
| tomasz2134 | 570 | 366 | 686 | 45.96% | 648 | 55962 | 1825 | 5289 | 537 | J.Officer | 5.8.2024 |
| Rozkurwiacz_2115 | 2549 | 742 | 1871 | 51.82% | 1690 | 12167 | 0 | 62 | 594 | Recruit | 23.11.2024 |
| Giekonek_Wiedzmak | 2048 | 496 | 1751 | 53.58% | 1710 | 54387 | 907 | 2153 | 740 | Private | 8.8.2024 |
| Siuchta_2017 | 1570 | 1556 | 1570 | 50.58% | 1298 | 5866 | 34 | 34 | 741 | Recruit | 1.12.2024 |
| seniu001 | 1237 | 419 | 1141 | 48.3% | 1105 | 20088 | 147 | 1744 | 661 | Recruit | 27.10.2024 |
| Walky1 | 616 | 15 | 1726 | 51.93% | 1696 | 48887 | 1821 | 8946 | 735 | Officer | 17.5.2024 |
| VK7201K_Enjoyer | 0 | 0 | 1166 | 49.64% | 1441 | 15356 | 392 | 392 | 745 | Officer | 11.8.2024 |
| Patryk8502 | 759 | 574 | 696 | 46.31% | 641 | 23650 | 72 | 120 | 498 | J.Officer | 19.8.2024 |
| Kolorowa_Ania | 2629 | 1052 | 2580 | 58.16% | 2439 | 12805 | 46 | 51 | 832 | J.Officer | 15.11.2024 |
| Adister | 1366 | 2985 | 1024 | 49.06% | 929 | 14427 | 61 | 81 | 481 | Reservist | 7.1.2025 |
| PtrykGT | 0 | 0 | 1247 | 49.75% | 1194 | 15647 | 348 | 459 | 578 | J.Officer | 4.1.2025 |
| Emperor_Invicta_Sole | 1350 | 804 | 1144 | 49.43% | 1082 | 39074 | 1445 | 3893 | 553 | J.Officer | 14.1.2025 |
| Niszczyciel200399 | 2578 | 409 | 2167 | 53.06% | 2106 | 32071 | 352 | 1350 | 686 | J.Officer | 27.10.2024 |
| paslasus_pl | 0 | 0 | 1704 | 52.09% | 1418 | 1941 | 58 | 59 | 779 | J.Officer | 6.1.2025 |
| PEJBLO_2017 | 1140 | 238 | 1524 | 52.26% | 1514 | 38321 | 1161 | 9006 | 687 | J.Officer | 8.11.2024 |
| REROLL piottrek12 | 1032 | 779 | 1154 | 48.99% | 1149 | 8046 | 64 | 1309 | 499 | J.Officer | 7.1.2025 |
| fgsev2 | 0 | 0 | 2021 | 53.14% | 2010 | 12703 | 40 | 362 | 739 | Recruit | 2.11.2024 |
| Bohater2015 | 0 | 0 | 878 | 46.76% | 783 | 8355 | 0 | 0 | 463 | Recruit | 22.9.2024 |
| Kl783 | 2089 | 639 | 1835 | 52.78% | 1723 | 23006 | 21 | 845 | 603 | Recruit | 4.12.2024 |
| Pihanos | 0 | 0 | 1023 | 48.37% | 979 | 15145 | 0 | 44 | 436 | Private | 18.1.2025 |
| D0min1916 | 1772 | 278 | 1394 | 49.62% | 1428 | 3160 | 1 | 1 | 713 | Recruit | 13.9.2024 |
| Coldhands1234 | 1684 | 536 | 1232 | 49.32% | 1165 | 23270 | 1593 | 1825 | 657 | Recruit | 15.12.2024 |
| chocoeye | 2211 | 293 | 1475 | 51.53% | 1549 | 23978 | 4 | 4 | 573 | Recruit | 19.1.2025 |
| czolgistapl1939_2020 | 1772 | 936 | 1600 | 51.2% | 1529 | 8108 | 0 | 0 | 625 | Recruit | 7.12.2024 |
| PathfinderWlkp | 0 | 0 | 2199 | 55.68% | 2192 | 77626 | 364 | 5378 | 802 | J.Officer | 6.1.2025 |
| kozii98 | 1567 | 763 | 1156 | 47.91% | 1099 | 13165 | 0 | 0 | 626 | Recruit | 13.10.2024 |
| Manfred_error | 1533 | 743 | 1253 | 49.74% | 1203 | 70944 | 1053 | 11599 | 653 | Commander | 23.7.2024 |
| Blackpanz | 1528 | 307 | 1111 | 49.39% | 1012 | 19412 | 410 | 551 | 446 | Recruit | 5.1.2025 |
| Lymdzyk | 2818 | 1988 | 2104 | 54.34% | 2051 | 73180 | 19 | 19 | 659 | J.Officer | 4.10.2024 |
| BaronLestra | 1932 | 164 | 1189 | 49.4% | 1560 | 11411 | 0 | 3 | 477 | Recruit | 8.1.2025 |
| lovca | 877 | 1000 | 1093 | 48.29% | 1031 | 89807 | 18 | 798 | 550 | Recruit | 29.9.2024 |
| GorgoBoL | 2300 | 715 | 2311 | 57.72% | 2175 | 24318 | 42 | 2242 | 793 | J.Officer | 10.1.2025 |
| fudz15 | 1849 | 419 | 942 | 47.67% | 775 | 8874 | 2 | 6 | 446 | Recruit | 17.1.2025 |
| _ANGELEYES | 3055 | 216 | 2981 | 58.43% | 2859 | 41966 | 33 | 5321 | 740 | J.Officer | 25.11.2024 |
| ltg_Johny | 0 | 0 | 1560 | 51.36% | 1483 | 34464 | 1359 | 1610 | 615 | Reservist | 7.1.2025 |
| Kepixoo85 | 2027 | 466 | 1358 | 49.68% | 1193 | 10974 | 0 | 0 | 597 | Recruit | 23.11.2024 |
| MaciekPL76 | 0 | 0 | 1876 | 52.92% | 1829 | 10986 | 10 | 299 | 599 | Recruit | 1.11.2024 |
| krol1 | 1658 | 544 | 1296 | 49.65% | 1232 | 31624 | 2554 | 11796 | 580 | Recruit | 11.11.2024 |
| 40vol2020 | 868 | 132 | 942 | 48.31% | 878 | 8952 | 2163 | 2677 | 453 | Recruit | 18.1.2025 |
| Paszczak_xDe | 0 | 0 | 1506 | 50.19% | 1481 | 48922 | 660 | 1269 | 771 | J.Officer | 3.10.2024 |
| AAdrianek | 1696 | 764 | 1612 | 51.32% | 1549 | 68480 | 58 | 254 | 707 | J.Officer | 11.11.2024 |
| bynio12345 | 3446 | 640 | 1941 | 52.37% | 2142 | 24981 | 6 | 2402 | 603 | Private | 15.1.2025 |
| Achilles912 | 2124 | 797 | 1650 | 50.79% | 1743 | 35858 | 0 | 3394 | 689 | Recruit | 7.12.2024 |
| Fortes_DG | 2215 | 1268 | 1915 | 53.04% | 1851 | 30734 | 657 | 1434 | 685 | J.Officer | 23.9.2024 |
| jocker11 | 0 | 0 | 1641 | 51.7% | 1473 | 13074 | 167 | 199 | 539 | J.Officer | 4.12.2024 |
| kniazzzz | 0 | 0 | 1354 | 51.13% | 1352 | 6990 | 0 | 0 | 560 | Recruit | 11.9.2024 |
| __nerOk_is_BeAsT | 2496 | 672 | 2267 | 54.84% | 2189 | 58408 | 443 | 4494 | 806 | J.Officer | 24.11.2024 |
| BetonowySmalec | 1554 | 358 | 1481 | 50.66% | 850 | 9063 | 0 | 0 | 674 | Recruit | 7.12.2024 |
| harry635 | 1142 | 563 | 1365 | 49.19% | 1260 | 33321 | 80 | 1202 | 525 | J.Officer | 13.1.2025 |
| ramzes6713 | 0 | 0 | 955 | 48.9% | 872 | 9774 | 103 | 524 | 426 | Recruit | 28.7.2024 |
| szymek240605 | 1641 | 707 | 1031 | 48.61% | 1318 | 8021 | 0 | 138 | 519 | Recruit | 15.12.2024 |
| tiger_bbb | 2866 | 462 | 1823 | 51.9% | 1807 | 14597 | 49 | 707 | 669 | J.Officer | 5.1.2025 |
| h2kaa | 1707 | 593 | 1059 | 47.34% | 1036 | 15037 | 318 | 318 | 668 | J.Officer | 29.12.2024 |
| Sch3ter | 2701 | 369 | 1837 | 52.4% | 1689 | 29219 | 234 | 952 | 568 | Recruit | 21.12.2024 |
| _HEISSENBERG_ | 0 | 0 | 2960 | 57.68% | 3018 | 16202 | 712 | 789 | 990 | J.Officer | 18.10.2024 |
| _FiliPooo_ | 1080 | 835 | 1080 | 48.72% | 893 | 7545 | 116 | 159 | 430 | Private | 12.1.2025 |
| BAD__MARIO | 1866 | 2127 | 1802 | 51.51% | 1785 | 9616 | 220 | 222 | 727 | J.Officer | 9.1.2025 |
| GORAL_PALER_78PL | 1217 | 346 | 998 | 47.19% | 892 | 27659 | 708 | 1083 | 635 | Recruit | 12.1.2025 |
| Masterczuleek | 1894 | 1054 | 1257 | 48.97% | 1345 | 8156 | 22 | 22 | 546 | J.Officer | 15.12.2024 |
| Gareo_ | 2468 | 866 | 2395 | 56.94% | 2452 | 9872 | 26 | 26 | 922 | Recruit | 12.12.2024 |
| bombell_4 | 1452 | 188 | 1272 | 49.12% | 1292 | 7995 | 4 | 4 | 608 | Recruit | 21.10.2024 |
| Wojtynio | 0 | 0 | 1939 | 52.02% | 1875 | 6968 | 0 | 0 | 682 | Recruit | 26.9.2024 |
| manataru | 1120 | 306 | 1086 | 50.68% | 1085 | 18765 | 337 | 441 | 481 | J.Officer | 4.11.2024 |
| badzionek | 2283 | 862 | 1766 | 52.43% | 1734 | 23133 | 103 | 572 | 739 | Reservist | 23.12.2024 |
| VNU4OK_TAHI | 0 | 0 | 760 | 46.41% | 686 | 14594 | 0 | 5 | 498 | Recruit | 3.10.2024 |
| hubiasty_010 | 0 | 0 | 2072 | 54.22% | 2020 | 3823 | 0 | 11 | 802 | Recruit | 18.8.2024 |
| Rozqrducha | 0 | 0 | 1571 | 53.6% | 1674 | 5806 | 0 | 0 | 496 | Reservist | 21.10.2024 |
| Pancerny910 | 632 | 26 | 966 | 47.31% | 1263 | 13240 | 246 | 547 | 481 | J.Officer | 27.9.2024 |
| DreZnieW | 1335 | 309 | 1093 | 48.91% | 1037 | 15785 | 376 | 589 | 498 | J.Officer | 15.9.2024 |
| Ryboon | 2201 | 1315 | 1587 | 50.66% | 1534 | 10072 | 63 | 67 | 760 | J.Officer | 7.12.2024 |
| __KOSCIASTY__ | 2094 | 2045 | 1910 | 52.97% | 1915 | 128423 | 54 | 2636 | 745 | J.Officer | 24.12.2024 |
| Myszka909 | 1443 | 619 | 1433 | 50.61% | 1365 | 16207 | 44 | 1944 | 476 | Recruit | 8.1.2025 |
| VilgefortZz | 3309 | 763 | 2661 | 57.72% | 2610 | 38561 | 1996 | 4919 | 948 | Officer | 27.10.2024 |
| Banan13t | 0 | 0 | 1355 | 49.18% | 1270 | 57741 | 76 | 181 | 591 | Reservist | 8.8.2024 |
| Ghost_mode_tank | 1535 | 495 | 1493 | 50.84% | 1482 | 3918 | 126 | 126 | 699 | J.Officer | 15.12.2024 |
| Drasso21 | 836 | 41 | 1468 | 50.83% | 1485 | 25976 | 1846 | 7035 | 730 | Private | 14.12.2023 |
| sergioO | 803 | 206 | 1276 | 49.6% | 1358 | 44429 | 140 | 3101 | 607 | J.Officer | 7.1.2025 |
| bunio81pl | 1778 | 587 | 1146 | 48.26% | 1077 | 26141 | 573 | 1582 | 555 | Private | 14.1.2025 |
| TrzynastyCzolg | 768 | 786 | 619 | 45.96% | 623 | 3716 | 18 | 18 | 530 | J.Officer | 27.10.2024 |
| xCzekeRx | 1833 | 713 | 1511 | 51.35% | 1380 | 13291 | 0 | 27 | 605 | Recruit | 8.12.2024 |
| DaWiD_PoLsKa2001 | 1138 | 419 | 906 | 47.51% | 1151 | 12928 | 39 | 47 | 390 | J.Officer | 11.1.2025 |
| ThunderNoka | 1547 | 832 | 1075 | 48.38% | 714 | 9418 | 16 | 123 | 493 | J.Officer | 22.12.2024 |
| Rudy_112_pies | 1633 | 862 | 1242 | 49.01% | 1042 | 7482 | 7 | 211 | 551 | Recruit | 15.12.2024 |
| stonpl | 1167 | 259 | 1076 | 49.75% | 1030 | 37198 | 793 | 1013 | 517 | J.Officer | 22.8.2024 |
| Rudy_phx | 2238 | 786 | 1670 | 51.44% | 1601 | 52844 | 2161 | 2673 | 650 | J.Officer | 2.12.2024 |
| 1uR1 | 1229 | 518 | 1058 | 49.19% | 999 | 6513 | 142 | 142 | 584 | J.Officer | 27.10.2024 |
| Arnik_79 | 541 | 9 | 769 | 46.94% | 741 | 34726 | 4 | 41 | 564 | Recruit | 14.8.2024 |
| __Bysior__ | 2326 | 1309 | 2175 | 54.1% | 2235 | 26832 | 33 | 34 | 722 | J.Officer | 23.10.2024 |
| bartus_iron | 0 | 0 | 950 | 47.84% | 831 | 7496 | 13 | 541 | 408 | Recruit | 13.1.2025 |
| marcinq11ww | 1269 | 1298 | 828 | 46.58% | 942 | 27716 | 25 | 26 | 494 | J.Officer | 10.9.2024 |